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Seminario del IMFIA: Contribution of drawdown zones to the biogeochemical functioning of dam lakes in the context of climate change

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Este jueves 5 de diciembre de 2024 se realizará un nuevo Seminario del IMFIA: Contribution of drawdown zones to the biogeochemical functioning of dam lakes in the context of climate change. Será presentado por Clara Garyga a las 14 horas en el Salón de posgrados del IMFIA en Fing. 

Dam reservoirs face eutrophication-related issues due to the accumulation of nutrients (N, P) in the water column, originating partly from sediments. Several factors influence the biological dynamics at the sediment water interface. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the water column and dam water level variations (drying and reflooding) influence in particular these dynamics. In the context of climate change more frequent episodes of drying/reflooding phases are to be expected and will involve an increasing number of reservoirs. In the presentation, It will be shown the impact of drawdown zones on the biogeochemical functioning of hydraulic Eguzon reservoir, in central France. The investigator collected sediments to characterise benthic nutrient fluxes under drying/reflooding conditions and oxic/anoxic conditions through laboratory experiments. These results will be used to implement a drying/reflooding module of the biogeochemical model ‘AquaticEcoDynamic’ (AED) to improve the prediction of the impact of drawdown zones on biogeochemical functioning. Ultimately, this work aims to improve reservoir management
