Seminario de Sistemas Dinámicos
Título: Expansive flow-models
Expositor: Katrin Gelfert (UFRJ-Brasil)
Viernes 1/10 a las 14:00, Plataforma ZOOM
ID de reunión: 838 1263 8373 - Código de acceso: 887808
I will consider a class of geodesic flows of compact surfaces (of higher genus
and nonpositive curvature), which constitute important examples of
nonuniformly hyperbolic flows. I will study certain topologically hyperbolic
flows which occur as their (time-preserving) topological factors. I will
discuss some tools to study their thermodynamic properties and, in particular,
measure(s) of maximal entropy and equilibrium states for the scaled geometric
This talk is about joint work with Rafael Ruggiero and Dominik Kwietniak.
Viernes 1/10 a las 14:00, Plataforma ZOOM
Contacto: Juan Carlos Morelli - jmorelli [at] fing.edu.uy