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Workshop: Capítulo IEEE CASS Uruguay

El Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica (IIE) de la Facultad de Ingeniería (FIng) organiza en conjunto con Capítulo Uruguay de la Sociedad de Circuitos y Sistemas del IEEE una charla sobre wireless sensor networks y tendencias en micro-nano electrónica. Será el lunes 21 de diciembre en el Salón 102 de la FIng, a las 17 horas.


  • 17:00 hs. Bounds on the Lifetime of WSNs with Lossy Links and Directional Antennas (Juan M. Alonso)

Energy-efficiency and longevity are of major importance in wireless sensor networks (WSN) as they have a large impact on the usefulness and cost of the target application. While there has been a tremendous amount of research on energy-efficient WSNs, relatively few studies have been performed that have aimed at quantifiying the gains of using directional antennas. We describe a method to bound the lifetime of WSN developed by us earlier, that can be extended to cover directional antennas. The method’s aim is to find bounds on the energy consumption of nodes, regardless of the routing used. The main problem is to find a lower bound, which is then used to obtain an upper bound on the lifetime. The method is theoretical, and it is based on the concept of spheres in networks. To validate our method and show its practical value we have used simulations. We discuss this, together with some examples, during the talk.

  • 18:00 hs. Coffe break
  • 18:30 hs. Trends on Micro and Nanoelectronics (Ricardo Reis, Distinguished Lecturer IEEE CASS)

The talk starts with a short presentation of Electronics and  Microelectronics evolution. Than it will be presented a set of several  trends in the design of micro and nanoelectronics circuits, including  architectural issues, hardware accelerators, variability and sources of  variability, EDA tools, physical design issues, printability, design of  transistor networks, Layout Strategies, Regularity, 3D circuits, flexible electronics, new devices, Stretchable Silicon, Fault Tolerance, Tolerance to Radiation Effects, Factory Integration, among others.


Juan M. Alonso es matemático, con licenciatura de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina), master de la Universidad Cornell (USA) y Ph.D. de la Universidad de Estocolmo (Suecia). Después de trabajar mucho tiempo en Matemática Pura, comenzó a hacer Matemática Aplicada, interesándose en la matemática habilitada por Internet y las computadoras.

En Estocolmo trabajó en SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science) e inició y condujo el primer proyecto de investigación sueco en redes de sensores que dio comienzo al actual predominio sueco en este campo dentro del contexto europeo.

También le interesa la Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things, IoT), de las que las redes de sensores son una componente esencial. Y relacionado con ésto, diversos problemas que entran dentro de la  problemática de Grandes Datos (Big Data). Por ejemplo, ha definido una versión de la dimensión fractal clásica, especialmente diseñada para tratar conjuntos finitos, donde la dimensión clásica da siempre cero. Además de ser útil para tratar grandes datos, esta dimensión tiene aplicaciones en otras áreas, como por ejemplo Botánica.

Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis was born in Cruz Alta, Brazil. He received a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1978, and a Ph.D. degree in Microelectronics from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG), France, in 1983.

Since 1981, he is a professor at the Informatics Institute of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and a leader of the Microelectronics Group. His main research includes physical design automation, design methodologies, fault tolerant systems and  microelectronics education. He has more than 400 publications including  books, journals and conference proceedings.

He was vice-president of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and he was also president of the Brazilian Computer Society (two terms) and vice-president of the Brazilian Microelectronics Society. He received the 2015 IEEE CASS Meritorious Service Award.

He was vice-president of CASS for two terms (2008/2011), representing R9. He is the founder of the Rio Grande do Sul  CAS Chapter, which got the World CASS Chapter of The Year Award 2011 and  2012, and R9 Chapter of The Year 2013 and 2014. He is a founder of several conferences like SBCCI and LASCAS.

He was the General or Program Chair of  several international conferences like IEEE ISVLSI, SBCCI, IFIP VLSI-SoC,  ICECS, PATMOS. Ricardo was the Chair of the IFIP/CEDA VLSI-SoC Steering  Committee, vice-chair of the IFIP WG10.5 and Chair of IFIP TC10. Prof. Reis is a member of the IEEE since 1981 and senior member since 2006. He is also member of the ACM, founding member of the SBC and also founding member of  SBMicro.