Resumen: We will discuss some properties of a class of partially hyperbolic dynamical systems called Discretized Anosov Flows: it includes the perturbations of the time-1 map of Anosov flows. In particular I will explain why generically their measures maximizing the entropy are exponentially mixing. This follows from several joint works with Poletti, Buzzi, Tahzibi, Sarig,…
Viernes 22/11 a las 14:30
Salón de seminarios del IMERL
Contacto: Santiago Martinchich - Luis Pedro Piñeyrúa - santiago.martinchich [at]
El seminario será transmitido por el siguiente link si alguien manifiesta interés de que así ocurra hasta el día antes del seminario:
Próximas charlas:
Viernes 29/11 Martín Sambarino.
Viernes 06/12 Juan Nario (defensa de monografía).