Seminario de Sistemas Dinámicos
Título: Exact dimension of Oseledets measures
Expositor: François Ledrappier (Sorbonne Université)
Resumen: This is an ongoing joint work with Pablo Lessa.
We consider a random walk on a group of matrices. Under suitable assumptions, Oseledets Theorem yields numbers (the Lyapunov exponents) and a random splitting into so-called Oseledets subspaces.
This splitting defines a (random) point in a product of Grassmannians. Our Main result is that the distribution of this point is an exact-dimensional measure. The dimension has a geometric interpretation in terms of the exponents and some partial entropies.
Viernes 10/3 a las 14:30
Salón de seminarios del IMERL
Contacto: Santiago Martinchich - smartinchich [at] (smartinchich[at]cmat[dot]edu[dot]uy)
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