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Defensa Tesis Maestría Ing. Matías Richart

Fecha: Jueves 8 de mayo de 2014
Hora: 9:00
Lugar: Sala de Posgrados, Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería
Título de la tesis: "IEEE 802.11 Parameters Adaptation for Performance Enhancement in High Density Wireless Networks"
Director Académico: Dr. Javier Baliosian
Director de Tesis: Dr. Javier Baliosian

  • Dr. Ramón Agüero (Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales y Telecomunicación, Universidad de Cantabria) -Revisor
  • Dr. Ing. Álvaro Martín (Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR / PEDECIBA Informática)
  • Dr. Federico Larroca (Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR)

Nowadays, is common to find wireless networks that are based on IEEE 802.11 standard deployed in an unplanned and unmanaged manner. Moreover, because of the low cost of hardware and, trying to obtain optimal coverage and performance, a large number of devices are usually installed in reduced spaces generating high-density deployments. This kind of networks experiment a myriad of problems (e.g., interference, medium access control, etc.) related with the shared transmission medium. In recent years, different parameter-adaptation mechanisms have been proposed to palliate those problems. In this work, we study the problems of high-density networks, experimentally evaluate some existing solutions and propose a new adaptation mechanism, PRCS, that tackles some common weakness of those solutions. PRCS control the transmit power, the data rate, and the carrier sense threshold of APs of a wireless network so as to mitigate the effects of interference in high-density deployments without causing unfairness between links. In simulation-based experiments, PRCS outperforms similar existing mechanisms in various scenarios and in a particular scenario, where most mechanisms fail, duplicates global network throughput.