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OPP - 12363 - KOICA Scholarships

OPP- AUCI Ofrecimiento 12363

KOICA Scholarships

Descripción: The Korea International Cooperation Agency was founded as a government agency to maximize the efectiveness of Koreas grant aid programs for developing countries by implementing the governments grant aid and technical cooperation programs. With the mission to support human resources development in developing countries and help them gain professional and systematic knowledge that will play they key role in their home country's development Programs:

1) Master of Urban and Regional Development International School of Urban Sciences - University of Seoul ( ) Duration 22/08/2016 - 27/12/17

2) Master´s degree program in Economic Policy and Development Graduate School of International Studies Korea University Duration 19/08/16 - 18/12/17

3) KAIST Finance MBA Program for Government Officiales of Emerging Economies Kaist Collegue of bussiness ( ) Duration 22/08/16 - 28/02/18

4) Master´s Degree Program in Food Security and Agricultural Development Graduate School of Kyungpook National University ( ) 18/08/16 - 05/11/17

5) Masters Degree Program in Food Security and Agricultural Development (National Helath Policy) Departament of Global Health and Development Graduate School, Hanyang University ( ) 17/08/16 - 17/12/17

6) KOICA - HGU Master´s Degree Program in Techno- Entrepreneurship Competency based on EE&ICT Convergence Graduate School of Global Development and Entrepeneurship, Handlong Global University ( ) 16/08/16 - 15/12/17

7) KOICA-SSU Master´s Degree in Global ICT Convergence with Management and Public Policy ( Hereafter, we call it KOSMIC: KOICA-SSU Masters Degree Program in Global ICT Convergence) Graduate Shool of Information Sciences Soongsill University ( 15/08/16 - 20/12/17

8) Masters Degree Program in Korean Experience of Economic Development and Economic Cooperation (MKE) Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies (GSP), Kyung Hee University ( ) 09/08/16 - 18/12/17

9) Capacity Building of Public Administration Graduate School of Public Administration (GSPA) ( ) Graduate School of International Studies - (GSIS) ( ), Seoul National 2017 University 10/08/16-15/12/17

10) KOICA Scholarship Program for Capacity Building to Realize Value-added Agriculture (KOICA-KU Masters Degree Program in Agricultural Processing Marketing ) Konkuk University (KU) ( ) 09/08/16 - 22/12/17

11) Masters Degree Program In International Trade and Policy Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Ajou University ( ) 15/08/2016 - 07/01/18

12) Ewha - KOICA Masters Degree Program in International Studies (Capacity Development of Woman Leaders) Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University 07/08/16 - 17/12/17

13) Masters Deree Program in Global Leaders in Economic Policy KDI School of public Policy and Management 01/08/16 - 16/12/17

14) Masters Degree Program in Global e-policy and e-government Graduate School of governance, Sungkyuyan University ( ) 31/07/16 - 23/06/17

Los formularios y el decreto se solicitan a

Toda la documentación solicitada (tanto la de KOICA, la de la Universidad como la de AUCI) deberá presentarse en la sección becas de AUCI: Torre Ejecutiva: Plaza Independencia 710 piso 7 oficina 703

* Mayor información ver adjunto o consultar a la embajada de Corea en Uruguay: - Dirección : Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera 1248, Torre II, Piso10 WTC, C.P. 11300, Montevideo - Teléfono : 598-2628-9374/5 - Fax : 598-2628-9376 - E-mail : - Horario de Atención : Lunes a Viernes, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 o en la página web de Koica


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