Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística
Título: An optimal multibarrier strategy for a singular stochastic control problem with a state-dependent reward.
Expositor: Mauricio Junca (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Resumen: We consider a singular control problem where the reward function depends on the state of the process. The main objective of this paper is to establish sufficient conditions for determining the optimality of the one-barrier and $(2n+1)$-barrier strategies in two distinct scenarios. Firstly, when the uncontrolled process $X$ follows a spectrally negative L\'evy process with a L\'evy measure defined by a completely monotone density. Secondly, when $X$ is a Brownian motion with a drift. Additionally, we provide an algorithm to compute the barrier values in the latter case. Joint work with Harold Moreno and José Luis Pérez.
Viernes 27/10 a las 10:30
virtual, zoom
Contacto: Alejandro Cholaquidis - acholaquidis [at] hotmail.com (acholaquidis[at]hotmail[dot]com)
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