Seminario de Álgebra del IMERL
Título: Why and How to Measure Extensions of Algebras
Expositor: Roger Ramirez Primolan (Universidade de São Paulo)
Resumen: Recent results related Hochschild's relative homological theory with the Finitistic Dimension Conjecture, a central conjecture for finite dimensional algebras. In this talk we will use these results as a guide to present some classical homological ways to measure complexity of algebras, discussing their positive and negative aspects. Then we will understand how Hochschild's relative homological theory intends to measure the complexity of an extension of algebras and how his theory is related to the Finitistic Dimension Conjecture. Finally, we will present some ongoing results that aim to compute relative homological dimensions and provide some examples. This talk will be an exposition and most of the definitions will be presented and/or discussed.
This is an ongoing work with Prof. Iusenko and the talk will be in english.
Viernes 29/9 a las 11:15
A través de Zoom
Contacto: Marco A. Pérez - mperez [at] fing.edu.uy (mperez[at]fing[dot]edu[dot]uy)
Información de acceso a Zoom / Zoom access info:
Enlace / link: https://salavirtual-udelar.zoom.us/j/85001311823
ID de reunión / Meeting ID: 850 0131 1823