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Becas en Alemania

Llamados abiertos para becas de investigación en universidades o institutos de investigación alemanes en 2020: 

Estadías cortas para doctorandos:
DAAD research grants provide foreign doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research or continue their education in Germany. 

The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes. 

Fecha límite: 11 de noviembre 2019
Información completa en el siguiente link:

Estadías de un año para doctorandos:
There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The grants also promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Fecha límite: 17 de septiembre 2019
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Doctorado modelo (Cotutela entre Uruguay y Alemania): 
The aim of this programme is the funding of bi-national doctoral projects at the home university and at a university in Germany.

The programme offers two options:

  • Doctorate with bi-national supervision
  • Doctorate following the “Cotutelle” procedure 

Fecha límite: 17 de septiembre 2019
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Doctorado completo en Alemania: 
Doctoral programmes at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany (two options):

  • Individual projects under the supervision of a university teacher or academic adviser
  • Participation in a structured doctoral study programme 

Fecha límite: 17 de septiembre 2019
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Estadías de investigación para científicos y docentes con amplia trayectoria: 

  • Research stays at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany. A research stay can also take place at several host institutions.
  • Funding may only be claimed once within three years.
  • Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded.

Fecha límite 11 de noviembre 2019
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Importante: La oferta siempre requiere una carta de invitación/aceptación de la institución anfitriona en Alemania.

Ante cualquier consulta, comunicarse con Claudia Barnickel M.A. (daad.uruguay [at] (daad[dot]uruguay[at]gmail[dot]com)), representante del Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD).

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