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The School on Medical Physics

Fecha de inicio

The School on Medical Physics will be held on November 29-30, 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The school will be followed by X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, on December 1-6, 2013.

This is the first time that the school is organized along with the LASNPA. The purpose of the school is the dissemination of major advances in medical physics; it is mainly orientated to postgraduate students in Physics and/or Medical Physics as well as medical physicists and researchers, with emphasis on research topics carried out by Latin American groups or in collaborations involving institutions from Latin America.

The school has a twofold purpose of both a school and a workshop, and will consist on two days of short courses and seminars. The topics include:

  • Advances in Radiation Sciences
    (dosimetry, radioprotection, IMRT, IGRT, particle therapies)
  • Advances in Imaging Sciences
    (diagnostic, molecular, advanced applications)
  • Special topics
    (research and training in LA)